2003 iNEER Awards Committee




Sue Bray is Assistant Dean for Strategy and Development, Professional and Distance Education, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY.  In addition, she is Executive Director of  "New Vistas....support for distance learning" a consulting practice founded to assist universities, corporations and government agencies in the implementation of distance learning programs.  Sue served as founding Director of the Rensselaer Satellite Video Program (RSVP), the distance-learning program of Rensselaer and led it from its inception in 1987 until her departure in January 1997 to found New Vistas. She served on the 2002 Awards Committee. 





Tomas Cermak was elected as Rector of VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic in elections held in November, 2002.  He assumed the position on February 1, 2003 succeeding Vaclav Roubicek. Cermak first came to VSB in 1964 as a senior assistant, rising to become Head of the Department of Electrical Machines and Drives at VSB in 1985.  In 1990 he became Rector, which position he held until 1997.  In 1997, he was appointed to be Vice Rector for R&D and Foreign Affairs.  His service record includes membership of the Scientific Board of VSB and of the State Committee for Scientific Degrees.  He chairs the Engineering Division of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic.  He was past member of the Scientific Board of the Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic; the Czech Engineering Academy; Vice President of Czech Universities Council; and General Assembly of Czech Academy of Science.  An early believer of the value of international cooperation in engineering education and research, he was actively involved with the organization of ICEE since ICEE-1997.  He is a member of the ICEE International Steering Committee.  He is Chairman of the Board of Vesuvius (formerly Hinckley) Slavia Group.  He is also Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of OZOBEL and Vitkovice Steel Company, respectively.  He teaches courses in control of electrical drives and machines; power energy systems, among others.  He has written 9 textbooks, and published 50 papers I journals and conference proceedings, with another 35 research papers based on industrial collaboration.  He holds 4 patents.   



Hamadou Saliah-Hassane is the Program Director of École de Technologie de l'Information (ÉTI) and Professor at Télé-université in Montreal, Canada. He is graduated in Electronics from University Cheik Anta Diop (Senegal) in 1976. He holds a Bachelor degree in Engineering and a Master of Applied Science degree from École Polytechnique de Montréal  respectively and a PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at McGill University in Montreal. Saliah-Hassane has many years' experience of working in Niger, his home country, including six years at international level at École des Mines de l'Industrie et de la Geologie (EMIG) as the founding Chair of the Electrical Engineering Departement. EMIG was a regional educational and research institution created by the former West African Economic Community (CEAO: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Senegal). A senior researcher at the Inter-university Research Center on Telelearning (CIRTA / LICEF) and a senior member of IEEE Education Society and IEEE Computer Society, he is a member of Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ), a member of International Conference on Engineering Education Steering Committee (ICEE-ISC), the ICEE International Steering Committee of the International Network on Engineering Education and Research (iNEER), and the Learning International Network Consortium (LINC). Prof. Saliah-Hassane is also a Principal Investigator of Learning Object Repository Network (LORNET), a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Research Network in Canada. He is a guest speaker in a number of francophone and international conference involving engineering education.





Wojciech Zielinski became Rector of Silesian University of Technology (SUT) in 2002.  Prior to that, he was Vice Rector for Education. He obtained both the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees at SUT. He was Head of the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology of SUT during 1991–1997. He is a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Organic Industry in Warsaw, the Council of International University in Zittau, Germany; Polish Committee of Standards, and Polish Academy of Sciences. His research interests concern synthesis of organic compounds. He received Achievement Awards from the Ministry of Education in 1976, 1978, 1984 and 1987. He served on the 2002 iNEER Awards Committee.