International Conference on Engineering Education

UMIST, Manchester, Great Britain, August 18-22, 2002


Assessment of student learning

Papers are solicited broadly on the subject of assessment of student learning. Topics include but are not limited to outcomes based assessment, learning outcomes, assessment criteria/level and assessment methods to promote a better understanding of tutor perception and the student learning experience. Assessment may be linked to traditional learning methods as well as for example, problem-based learning, remote learning etc with an emphasis on the assessment process. Sessions and workshops will provide global experiences and the opportunity for dissemination of good practice and discussing future collaborative projects. For more information on iNEER, one of the principal sponsors of the conferences, visit:


February 22, 2002:

Abstract due (submit through website indicated below, with e-mail to Session Chair. Be sure to begin the text of your abstract with the title of this session)

March 15, 2002:

Notice of acceptance

April 26, 20002:

Camera-ready manuscript due

June 28, 2002:

Deadline for author registration

Further information is available at the ICEE-2002 web site:

Session Chair:

Melvyn Dodridge, Division of Electronics, Media Technology & Mathematics,
School of Computing & Technology, University of Derby, Kedleston Road, Derby,
DE22 1GB, United Kingdom,
Fax: +44 (0) 1332622739