International Conference on Engineering Education

UMIST, Manchester, Great Britain, August 18-22, 2002


Assessment of Global Teaming in Engineering for Undergraduates

Papers are solicited broadly on the subject of assessing the outcomes of experiences that involve teams of engineering undergraduate students in global projects.  For example, at Arizona State University, we currently run an engineering design program that creates a project team of undergraduate students from ASU and University of Leeds in the U.K. The students work as a single team with members and industry mentors separated by 6,000 miles and 7 time zones. Colleagues at Penn State run an in-class design project with French students at the IUT of the University d’Artois, and they are planning to do another one with the University of Leeds. We have also been discussing multi-point teams and are talking with both the University of Navarra in Spain and the Ecole Centrale de Lyon. We have found that assessing the team progress and performance presents some interesting issues because of differences in curricula, culture and schedules.  We know that others are facing the same problems and welcome papers on the following topics, especially applied to globally mixed engineering design teams:  global course innovation, project design, outcomes assessment, teaming issues, tools for assessment, tools for global communication and interaction, strategic alliances among academia, industry, and government and international collaboration. Papers on completed work and ongoing activities are welcome. We would like to make this session split with half consisting of short paper presentations and half with the authors comprising a panel discussion. 

This conference emphasizes globalization and strategic alliances in education and research. Through special sessions and international workshops, it provides ample opportunity for discussing future cooperative projects. For more information on iNEER, one of the principal sponsors of the conferences, visit:     


22 February: Abstract due (submit at website below with e-mail copy to session chair)

15 March: Notice of acceptance

26 April: Camera-ready manuscript due

28 June: deadline for author registration

Further information is available at the ICEE-2002 web site:


Session Chair and Organizers:

Mark Henderson,
Professor of Engineering,
Arizona State University,
Tempe, AZ 85287

Phone: 480-965-2899,
Fax: 480-965-8692,



Prof. Alan de Pennington,
Univ. Of Leeds,
Leeds, UK.

Prof. Richard Devon,
Penn State Univ.,
University Park, PA, U.S.A.
e-mail :