International Conference on Engineering Education

UMIST, Manchester, Great Britain, August 18-22, 2002


Short / Modular Courses for Industry & Professional Development

Papers are solicited on a broad range of topics related to the development, compilation, and dissemination of short courses or modules aimed at industrial organisations in any sector of national economies. Eligible topics include but may not be limited to reports on successful endeavours, experience gained from current and previous projects, technology used in the development, compilation, and dissemination of such short courses or modules, commercialisation and export / import of course materials, effects on the curriculum, including problems. Also welcome are papers related to modularisation of courses with a view to attaining academic credit and qualifications including higher degrees; papers that deal with international delivery of short / modular courses as part of cooperative ventures.

This conference would be interested in reports, studies, ongoing activities related to the hosting of short courses as part of income generating projects that improve the financial capacity of academic departments. Of interest will be papers that report on fruitful alliances between academic departments and industries. For more information on iNEER, one of the principal sponsors of the conferences, visit:


February 22, 2002:

Abstract due (submit through website indicated below, with e-mail to Session Chair. Be sure to begin the text of your abstract with the title of this session)

March 15, 2002:

Notice of acceptance

April 26, 20002:

Camera-ready manuscript due

June 28, 2002:

Deadline for author registration

Further information is available at the ICEE-2002 web site:

Session Chair:

Edward Chikuni, Lecturer and Head of Department,
Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Zimbabwe,
Phone: 263-4-870146
Fax: 263-4-303280