

International Conference on Engineering Education
Valencia, Spain, July 22-26, 2003


International Cooperation and Student and Staff Exchange Programs

Papers are solicited on a broad range of topics related to international education with a view to encouraging authors to debate the international perspective in the context of their own procedures and systems
Universities are firmly committed to promoting the mobility of students, academics and other staff freely throughout the world, and to removing wherever possible barriers to that mobility. This commitment recognizes the importance of study abroad, and its contribution to cultural development, depth of knowledge and the widened perspectives of our students and staff.
Following is a summary of the key motivating factors :
Information to employers, students and other teaching institutions.
To enable comparisons with other programmes.
Expectations of the Diploma Supplement.
Promotion of international transparency regarding the achievements of individual students and recognition of qualifications.
Reports on exchange programmes.
Reports on integrated programmes of study, training and research.
Staff mobility (recognition and evaluation).

January 30, 2003: Abstract due (submit through website indicated below, with e-mail to Session Chair. Be sure to begin the text of your abstract with the title of this session)
February 15, 2003: Notice of preliminary acceptance
April 15, 20003: Paper submission deadline
May 1, 2003: Early registration deadline (required for final acceptance of papers)
May 15, 2003: Deadline for authors' registration to ensure publishing of submitted papers

Further information is available at the ICEE-2003 web site:

Session Co-Chairs:

Pedro Fuentes
ViceDean of ETSID
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Camino de Vera, 14
46022 Valencia
Phone: (+34) 96 387 71 86
Fax: (+34) 96 387 71 89

Joaquín González
Department of Business Administration

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Camino de Vera, 14
46022 Valencia
Phone: (+34) 96 387 71 86
Fax: (+34) 96 387 71 89