R. N. Dave*, Mechanical Engineering Dept.
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 07102
(201) 596-5829/ 596-3351 /
A. D. Rosato, Mechanical Engineering Dept; J. Federici, M. Johnson, Dept. of Physics
H. Grebel, T. Chan, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.
R. Barat, R. Pfeffer, Chemical Engineering
Chemistry & Environmental Science Dept.


Under the sponsorship of two National Science Foundation (NSF) Combined Research and Curriculum awards at New Jersey Institute of Technology, we are developing a program in Optical Science and Engineering and another in Particle Technology. The principal objective of each is to integrate current research into the curriculum and thereby address the urgent need for undergraduate and graduate education in these emerging areas of industrial and national importance. Each program involves a sequence of courses offered at the undergraduate and graduate level as well as complete laboratory environments. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of Particle Technology with its tremendous industrial relevance, and the numerous applications of Optical Science to many different engineering and scientific disciplines, faculty from several departments are involved in these program.


A 1994 NSF workshop on "Optical Science and Engineering: New Directions and Opportunities in Research and Education" recommended an emphasis in optics research and education because "Optical Science and Engineering is an enabling technology - that is, a technology with applications to many scientific disciplines and with the potential to contribute in significant ways to those disciplines. " The workshop on Optical Science and Engineering identified a number of critical challenges in Optical Science and Engineering which could lead to significant research and educational opportunities for the programs of NSF. "Research in Optical Sciences and Engineering holds exceptional promise for innovation that will have impact on long-term national goals. " Many of those areas highlighted by that workshop review - optical and photonic material and devices, fundamental optical interactions, instrumentation and sensing - are strongly represented in the research of the participating faculty. In addition to its 'enabling' aspects, optics technology represents viable employment potential for new graduates. Tn an American Institute of Physics survey of initial employment of 1992 Ph.D. recipients, the Education and Employment Statistics Division found that the percentage of graduates who obtained potentially permanent positions differed strongly by subfield: Only 14% of astrophysicists found permanent jobs immediately after obtaining PhDs, compared with 75% of those who study optics or lasers [1].

Fig. 1

The objective of this program is to (1) provide a unified, multidepartmental optical science/ engineering curriculum and (2) emphasize optics courses which will provide laboratory and classroom training to undergraduate and graduate students in emerging areas of industrial and national importance. In particular, our efforts are focused on the collective strengths of the Engineering School and the Applied Physics Programs: Environmental monitoring and detection of pollutants, industrial process monitoring, optoelectronics, and ultrafast optics and optoelectronics. This multidisciplinary program focuses on optical science and technology as an enabling technology: A technology with applications to many different engineering and scientific disciplines and the potential for significant contributions to those disciplines.

A. Laboratory Facilities and Structure

As part of this program development, 2000 square feet of laboratory space has been renovated to house the new Optical Science and Engineering Laboratory (Fig. 1). This student laboratory includes five 4' by 8' floating optical tables, separate work benches, He-Ne lasers, optics mounts, lenses, mirrors, photodetectors, spectrometers, and other optical components. As shown in the figure, one section of the lab is equipped with movable chairs for classroom lectures. Students use the work benches for assembling optical components, soldering, sample preparation, etc. Each optical table has its own portable computer equipped with GPIB and RS232 interfaces and a portable equipment rack on wheels for storing electronics such as lock-in amplifiers, oscilloscopes, power supplies, etc.. Wherever appropriate, the laboratory equipment is interfaced to the computer for easy experimental control, data acquisition, and data analysis. The portability of the computer and equipment rack permits students optimal access to the optical table. In the undergraduate lab, class size is limited to a maximum of two students per optical table (l0 students per section) to ensure that students get extensive, hands on experience in setting up, diagnosing, and testing optical components and systems. Currently, the only type of laser source used in the undergraduate laboratories is the He-Ne laser which is safe, easy to use, and inexpensive. The graduate student laboratory utilizes advanced laser systems such as excimer, YAG, and Ti:Sapphire lasers.

B. Curriculum Development

The following is an overview of the three courses including contributions from all five faculty participants. Updated course outlines and laboratory procedures may be accessed through the OPSE web page URL

The curriculum development focuses on the theme of teaching optical science and engineering as an enabling technology. Students will learn not only the fundamental principles of optical science and engineering, but also technologically relevant applications of those principles to optoelectronics, environmental monitoring, industrial process monitoring and position control, and ultrafast optical and optoelectronic phenomena. The students' majors include applied physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, engineering science, environmental engineering, pre-medical, computer engineering, and computer science. With such a menagerie of student backgrounds, two difficulties arise: (1) scheduling (2) varying levels of mathematical background.

Course 1: Optical Science & Engineering (OSPE 301) - Optics Principles

This course, which provides a survey introduction to optics principles and their elementary applications, has both lecture and laboratory components. It is directed to junior level students in engineering and applied physics and has been offered Fall 96 and Spring 97. The prerequisites for the course are the sophomore level core-calculus and core-physics courses required of all engineering and science majors at NJIT. Students are assigned homework problems each week in addition to their lab reports, which constitute a majority of the students' grades. A brief outline of the course contents appears below.

The midterm and final exam have three parts: (1) questions related to homework problems (2) questions related to laboratory assignments and (3) lab-practical questions. The lab-practical questions require the students to examine an optical setup in the laboratory and answer questions concerning the setup. In one question, for example, the students were shown a laser, two polarizers, and a waveplate as illustrated in Fig. 2. By observing the polarization properties of the waveplate, the students were to experimentally determine if it were a 1/4 wave plate or a 1/2 wave plate based on their understanding of how waveplates function. Both the midterm and final exams are held in the optics laboratory to facilitate the lab-practical portion of the exams. With five optical tables available, several lab practical setups can be constructed.

Course 2: Optical Science & Engineering (OSPE 402) - Applications

The purpose of this course (offered Spring 97) is to apply the principles developed in OPSE 301 to selected problems in optoelectronics, sensors, and environmental engineering. OPSE 402, which is to be taken after OPSE 301, is directed to junior/senior level students in engineering and applied physics. The lecture and laboratory portions of the course focus on the different specialties of the associated faculty who design experiments and develop supporting lectures in their fields of expertise. Currently, there are four experiments covering optoelectronics, chemical reactions, environmental monitoring, and motion control/sensing.

Eventually, enough laboratories will be developed in order to give the students a choice in available experiments. Given the time constraints of a semester course, the students will eventually be asked to choose 5-6 of the available experiments. This option will allow students to conduct all of the experiments which are related to their majors as well as several more to give them a broad, multidisciplinary view of optics as an enabling technology. This multidisciplinary approach would allow the student flexibility in tailoring their choice of experiments to meet their academic interests and future career path goals.

Course 3: Optical Science & Engineering 601 - Advanced Topics

OPSE 601 is designed to be a research/independent study course which allows the student to interact with the faculty in their research labs in small, focused groups. The prerequisite for the multidisciplinary course to be taken by new graduate students is OPSE 402. Of the available topics, the students must pick three projects to be completed during the semester. These projects are to be done in groups of 1 or 2 students in the respective faculty's research laboratories, which will enable individual attention and intensified training in laboratory techniques and research. The students will be required to do preliminary background reading/lectures in their topics of choice, set up the experiment, acquire and analyze data. At the end of 1 month, the student group will rotate to another project. Using this student rotation scheme, the number of students in the laboratories can be kept at a manageable level while the students have the opportunity to use modern optical research tools while conducting their experiments under close guidance of the faculty and associated members (e.g. graduate students, undergraduate assistants, post-docs) of the faculty member's research group. For the course's final exam, the student must present a 15 minute oral presentation on one of the month long projects. For many incoming graduate students, this oral presentation may be the first time that they are required to organize and publicly present their research. The topics are chosen based on their relevance to current research, ability to be completed in the allotted time, and student interest. The list of topics, which will be constantly updated as research progresses in the respective fields, are a mixture of recently completed and ongoing research. For those involving ongoing research, several students have made significant contributions towards research. Of the 6 students who enrolled in the first offering of OPSE 601, three will have portions of their work published in journal articles or presented at conferences.


This work is supported by the National Science Foundation, Combined Research/ Curriculum Development (CRCD) program.

II. Particle Technology Curriculum

Particle technology is concerned with the characterization, production, modification, flow, handling and utilization of granular solids or powders, both dry and in slurries. This technology spans a host of industries including chemical, agricultural, food products, pharmaceuticals, ceramics, mineral processing, advanced materials, munitions, aerospace, energy and pollution. As a consequence of the NSF/ CRCD grant, an interdisciplinary concentration of three new courses in particle technology [5], offered across the engineering disciplines, has been developed as one of the thrust areas of the Particle Technology Center at NJIT [11]. These courses cover material which is substantially absent in the established engineering curricula. In the next section, we address the need for education in particle technology, followed by a discussion of each of the three courses.

A. Why Particle Technology?

It is highly likely that most engineering graduates, in particular the graduates of mechanical, chemical, and civil engineering, will encounter products or processes involving granular or powder like materials at some stage of manufacturing. For example, E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. estimated that of the 3,000 products that it sold, 62% were powders, crystalline solids, granules, flakes, dispersions, slurries and pastes [3]. A further 18% of the products incorporate particles to impart key end-use properties. In the chemical process industries, a minimum estimate of 40% or $61 billion of the value added by the chemical industry is linked to particle technology. There are major problems encountered in handling and utilization of granular solids or powders because unlike pure fluids or gases for which reliable theories and scale up laws are available, there are few reliable techniques that allow for scale up and design of particle processing equipment. Moreover, although these materials often appear to flow like a liquid which may infer that particle mechanics can be handled by the methodologies which have been developed for analyzing the behavior of fluids, such attempts have often led to inadequate or even disastrous design of such equipment. For example, it was recently reported in Chemical Engineering Progress that "Plants handling solids anywhere in the main process train perform more poorly than those processing only liquids and gases. Recently built plants perform no better than those built in the 1960's. Average plants with solid feedstock operate at only 50% of design capacity. One-fifth fail to attain more than 20%, and although startup time for a plant processing raw solids is usually estimated to take 3.5 times as long as liquid/gas processing plants, the actual startup times are 6 times longer!" [3]. In summary, the chances of our graduating engineers encountering problems related to particle technology in their future careers are very high. Therefore it is important for them to be exposed to this subject during their education. It is anticipated that the three courses developed in particle technology at NJIT will help in overcoming the current deficiency in the engineering curriculum in this vital area.

A major challenge of the NSF-CRCD project is to present the basic concepts, industrial practice and new research in particle technology without overwhelming the students, yet exposing him/her to a new set of tools required for problem solving in this field. This will be done through classroom instruction, physical experiments as well as computer simulated experiments. Our syllabus, which is very ambitious, makes the task of delivery of education very difficult and thus creates a challenge for which we are preparing ourselves and our graduate students, who will, in turn, help the students in the physical and computer laboratories. The difficulties arise due to the fact that we plan to employ equipment and software which are not routinely used in the current engineering curriculum, such as state-of-the-art instrumentation for characterization, mixing and flow property measurement, as well as image analysis and video animation systems. We must also teach the students the use of associated software. The current curriculum does not have the infrastructure to accommodate this, and our challenge is to develop an easy to use set of instructions, and to train graduate students who can be available to consult with the students.

B. Summary of Accomplishments

C. Course Descriptions

The concentration consists of three principal courses: (1) "Introduction to Particle Technology", designed for upper-level undergraduates and first-year graduate students; (2) "Current Research in Particle Technology", intended for graduate students; and (3) "Experiments and Simulations in Particle Technology" which is intended for upper-level undergraduates and first-year graduate students.

Course 1: Introduction to Particle Technology

During the Fall 1995 semester, Dr. Ian S. Fischer conducted the undergraduate lecture course "Introduction to Particle Technology" for twenty students majoring in mechanical and chemical engineering. Several references books were used [4,10,12] for the syllabus material described below.

Course 2: Current Research in Particle Technology

This course, intended for graduate students, is theoretical in nature and includes mathematical modeling and computer simulations capable of describing bulk behavior of particulate flows from the properties of the material. Also incorporated are recent research developments in the field not yet appearing in standard textbooks. The course was given for the first time in the Spring 1996 semester by Dr. Dave and again in the Spring 1997 by Dr. Rosato. In the Spring 1996, the syllabus brought together a broad range of topics in an attempt to give students an overview in the event that they had not taken the introductory course (described above). A number of presentations were given by guest lecturers with expertise in specifics topics. Upon completion of the course, it was decided to focus the syllabus within the expertise of the instructor while preserving some of the introductory overview material, and to continue to include guest speakers on important topics. Below is a brief outline of the course material for each semester.

Course 3: Experiments and Simulations in Particle Technology

As part of the NSF/CRCD grant, a new laboratory was developed During Fall 1996, the first offering of this course was given by Dr. Dave. Since the laboratory at this time was still in the development state, a select number of classical experiments and related research experiments were included. In the future, several experiments will be integrated into core undergraduate laboratory courses in Mechanical and Chemical Engineering departments. It is anticipated that laboratory development will be completed in Fall 1997 when the course will be offered again.

Available Equipment: Jenike flow factor tester, Jenike compressibility tester, Jenike quality control tester, Patterson-Kelley BlendMaster Blender/Mixer, Malvern Particle Size Analyzer (Mastersizer X), Paul Abbe ball mill, Octagon 2000 vibrated siever, fluidized bed, flexible hopper, angle of repose measurement devices, Kodak EktaPro 1000 high-speed video system, particle collision properties measurement apparatus, B&K vibration exciter system, nonintrusive tracking system, dilatometer, rotating fluidized bed reactor, SEM, X-Ray diffraction, EDX (in the NJIT Geoenvironmental lab), 2 SGI Indigo graphics workstations with Galileo video board and Cosmo compress boards, Sony frame accurate SVHS VCR and 30" monitor.


EEC9420597 (CRCD) and EEC-9354671, as well as Exxon Teaching Aids grants. We also appreciate help from all the students who participated in the laboratory course. Thank are also due to Mark Bumiller of Malvem Instruments for presenting a lecture to the students on particle size analyzers. We are also very grateful for useful discussions with many advisory board members, in particular, Karl Jacob of Dow Midland. Lastly, we deeply appreciate the time Rachel Anderson (Dow Midland) spent with us on the Jenike test procedure and for providing very useful background

1 Manufactured by Union Carbide Corp.


  1. Compo, P., Tardos, G. I., Mazzone, D., Pfeffer, R., "Minimum Sintering Temperatures of Fluidizable Particles," Particle Characterization, Vol. 1,p. 171, 1984.
  2. Compo, P., Tardos, G. I., Pfeffer, R., "Minimum Sintering Temperatures and Defluidization Characteristics of Agglomerating Particles," Powder Technology, Vol. 51, pp. 85-101, 1987.
  3. Ennis, B., Green, J., Davies, R., "Particle Technology: The Legacy of Neglect in the U.S.," Chemical Engineering Progress 32, April 1994.
  4. Fan, L-S., Zhu, C., Principles of Gas-Solid Flows, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, to appear July 1997.
  5. Fischer, I. S., Dave, R. N., Luke, J., Rosato, A. D., Pfeffer, R., "Particle Technology in the Engineering Curriculum at NJIT," Proceedings of 1996 ASEE Annual Conference, Session 1626, Washington D.C., June 23-27, 1996.
  6. Jenike, A., W., Storage and Flow of Solids, Bulletin No. 123 of the Utah Engineering Station, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 1970
  7. Kamath, S., Puri, V., M., Manbeck, H. B., and Hogg, R., "Measurement of Flow Properties of Bulk Solids Using Four testers," l991 International Winter Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Paper no. 91-4517, 1991.
  8. Leschonski, K., "Sieve Analyses, the Cinderella of Particle Size Analysis Method" Powder Tech.,24, pp. 115-124, 1979.
  9. Loic, V., Rosato, A. D. and Dave, R. N., "Rise Regimes of a Large Sphere in Vibrated Bulk Solids", Phys. Rev. Lett., Feb. 17, 1997.
  10. Nedderman, R. M., Statics and Kinematics of Granular Materials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1992.
  11. Particle Technology Center at NJIT,
  12. Rhodes, M., Principles of Powder Technology, John Wiley, Chichester, UK, 1990.
  13. Standard Shear Testing Technique for Particulate Solids Using the Jenike Shear Cell, A Report of the EFCE (The Institution of Chemical Engineers: Europian Federation of Chemical Engineering) Working Party on the Mechanics of Particulate Solids, 1989.
  14. Tardos, G. I., Pfeffer, R., "Chemical Reaction Induced Agglomeration and Defluidization of Fluidized Beds," Powder Technology, Vol. 85, p. 29, 1995.

* These courses, offered as special topics, are in addition to the three courses developed under the current grant and are intended to supplement the curriculum and instructional laboratory. up

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