| (Invited) The Next Challenge in Engineering Education Curriculum Reform-A New NSF Program Ernest T Smerdon, Univ. of Arizona (USA) |
 | (Invited)Integration of Basic Sciences and Engineering Malyshev Nikolay, World Technological Univ. (Russian Federation) |
 | (Invited)Technical Education in the Changing World Michail Zgurovsky, National Technical Univ. of Ukraine (Ukraine) |
 | 40 Years of Experience in Educating Marine Engineers in Dubrovnik, Croatia Luko Milic, Matko Bupic, Niksa Koboevic, The Polytechnic of Dubrovnik (Croatia) |
 | A Change in the Freshman Engineering Education Paradigm-Bringing Engineering Design Upfront in the Curriculum Angelo Perna, Deran Hanesian, NJIT (USA) |
 | A First Laboratory Course on Digital Signal Processing Hsien-Tsai Wu, Hong-De Chang, Southern Taiwan Univ. of Technology (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | A Fuzzy Logic 2000 Educational Package for Mathematica Marian S. Stachowicz , Lance Beall, Univ. of Minnesota (USA) |
 | A Ghanian-American Collaboration in Engineering Education Sohail Anwar1, Ebenezer Jackson2, 1Penn State Altoona , 2Univ. of Science & Technology (USA) |
 | A Java-Based Remote Laboratory for Distance Learning Sam Hsu, Bassem Alhalabi, Mohammad Ilyas, Florida Atlantic Univ. (USA) |
 | A Master of Engineering Degree Designed for Distance Learning Vern Johnson1, Pamela Eibeck2, Julie Higle1, Daniel Jankowski3, 1Univ. of Arizona, 2Northern Arizona Univ. , 3Arizona State Univ. (USA) |
 | A Multidisciplinary Curriculum Based on Team-Work and Industrial Partnership Sheikh Akbar, Prabir Dutta, Yunzhi wang, Bruce Patton, Marc Madou, Ohio State Univ. (USA) |
 | A Multimedia CD of Mechanical Devices Shih-Liang (Sid) Wang, North Carolina A&T State Univ. (USA) |
 | A Multi-University Internet-Based (H.323) Graduate Course in Turbulence, Part I: Academic Description Honglu Wang1, William K. George1, Hui Meng1, Elizabeth Stephens2, Beth Fellendorf Fellendorf2, James Whitlock2, Mark N. Glauser3, Dan Dullea3, Luciano Castillo4, William Hayes4, Evelyn Smith4, Sharon Hoshida5, Peter Koritschan5, Ricke Casterlin6, David Shurtleff6, Daniel Ewing7, 1SUNY at Buffalo, 2SUNY at Buffalo Univ. , 3 Clarkson Univ. , 4Rensselaer Polytechnic Univ , 5UC at Santa Barbara , 6State University of New York at Binghamton , 7McMaster University (USA) |
 | A Multi-University Internet-Based (H.323) Graduate Course in Turbulence, Part II: Technical Description Lisa Stephens1, Elizabeth Fellendorf1, James Whitlock1, Honglu Wang1, Hui Meng1, William K George1, Mark N Glauser2, Dan Dullea2, Luciano Castillo3, William Hayes3, Evelyn Smith3, Sharon Hoshida4, Peter Koritschan4, David Shurtleff5, Ricke Casterlin6, Daniel Ewing7, 1SUNY at Buffalo, 2Clarkson Univ. , 3Rensselaer Polytechnic Univ. , 4UC at Santa Barbara , 5State University of New York at Binghamton , 6State University of New York at Binghamton (USA) , 7McMaster University (Canada) |
 | A Practical Approach to the Curriculum of Statistics for Engineering Students T.G. Tsuei1, Sha-Lin Guo1, J.E. Chen2, 1Ta Hwa Institute of Technology, 2Chung-Hua Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | A RF Laboratory and Lecture Course for Wireless Communications Cheng Sun, M. Kaliski, Cal Poly State Univ. (USA) |
 | A Science and Technology Education Portal for Ibero-America Ramiro Jordan , Soraya Abad-Mota , Matias M. Pizarro , Univ. of New Mexico (USA) |
 | A Study into the Effectiveness of Studio Teaching Robin Bradbeer, City Univ. of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) |
 | A US-Czech Republic Cooperative Research Program in Friction Materials M.A. Wright1, V. Roubicek2, P. Filip3, Z. Weiss2, 1SIU-Carbondale (USA), 2VSB-TU Ostrava , 3SIU-Carbondale (Czech Republic) |
 | About The Quality of the Evaluating Students' Knowledge Process Ion C IONITA1, Alexandru EPUREANU2, Ion V ION2, 1Univ. Of Bacau, 2Dunarea de Jos Univ. (Romania) |
 | Accreditation of Study Branches Pre-Gradual and Post-Gradual Studies on Mechanical Engineering Faculties of Czech Republic Lubomir Smutny1, Antonin Vitecek2, 1VSB-TU Ostrava, 2 (Czech Republic) |
 | Advanced Electrical Energy Education-Internet, Industrial Alliance, and Software Xingwu Wang, Alfred Univ. (USA) |
 | Alternative Training of Engineers. Extension Peter Moson1, Charles Sol2, 1Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics, 2CNAM (France) |
 | An Educational Project for the Technical Education: The Specific Case of the FEG/UNESP G.J. Sena, R.M. Bittencourt, A D Velasco, J.I. Akamatsu, M.A R.F. Goncalves, UNESP - Campus de Guaratingueta (Brazil) |
 | An Evaluation Process for Engineering Courseware: The Premier Award for Excellence in Engineering Education Courseware Brandon Muramatsu1, Joseph Tront2, Flora McMartin1, Pamela A. Eibeck1, Wayne Anderson1, 1Univ. of California at Berkeley, 2Virginia Tech (USA) |
 | An Experiment in Psuedo-Asynchronous Course Delivery Carl F. Zorowski, North Carolina State Univ. (USA) |
 | An Interactive Language Learning System in the Web David Lo, Wen-Tsai Liao, Ming-Syan Chen, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | An Interdisciplinary Educational Program in Rail Systems Engineering Ye-Ee "Albert" Wu, Zone-Ching Lin, National Taiwan Univ. of Science and Technology (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | An Introdution to the Curriculum Schedule for Undergraduate Students at the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University Liang-Gee Chen, Jenn-Gwo Hwu, Hao-Hsiung Lin, Way-Seen Wang, Powen Hsu, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | An Iterative Calculus Programming Application Luis M. Sanchez-Ruiz, Matilde P. Legua Fernandez, Jose A. Morano Fernandez, Univ. Politecnica de Valencia (Spain) |
 | Analysis of Multivariate Affective Instruction Evaluation on Engineering Instruction Bao Rong Chang, Kao Yuan Institute of Technology (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Analysis of the Electrical Engineering Problems Using Computer Tools Vaclav Havlicek, Roman Cmejla, Czech Technical Univ. in Prague (Czech Republic) |
 | Application of the STCW Convention for Seafarers Training at the Polytechnic of Dubrovnik, Croatia Matko Bupic1, Vedran Jelavic1, Enco Tireli2, 1The Polytechnic of Dubrovnik, 2Rijeka College of Maritime Studies (Croatia) |
 | Applictions of Mass Handling Theory in Vehicles Operation and Maintenance Stanislav Antonicky, Alois Danek, Jaromir Siroky, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | Are Teaching or Learning Quality? Jorge Silva Filho, Paulo Ribas, Paulo Franco, PUC-Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) |
 | Automation and Control in The Study Program of Mining Engineering Education. Vladimir Kebo, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | Avoiding Pitfalls in Online Materials Normashida Mansor, Ahmad Fadzil, Univ. Teknologi Petronas (Malaysia) |
 | Cognitive and Environmental Analysis of the Engineering Teaching-a Case Study in Four Subjects in a Civil Engineering Course Jose Adelino Kruger, Amauri Denis, Carlan Seiler Zulian, Giovana Wiecheteck, Oscar Herberto Furstenberger, Ponta Grossa Univ. (UEPG) (Brazil) |
 | Collaboration in Workplace Literacy: A Case Study Ching-Jung Yang, Southern Taiwan Univ. of Technology (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Compensation and Condonement:Is this Acceptable Outcomes Based Assessment? Melvyn Dodridge, Univ. of Derby (UK) |
 | Computer Based Laboratory Simulations for Geotechnical Engineering Sunil Sharma, James H Hardcastle, Univ. of Idaho (USA) |
 | Computers in Acoustical Engineering Education: Loudspeaker System Simulation Program Juan Jose Gomez-Alfageme, Manuel Recuero-Lopez, Univ. Politecnica de Madrid (Spain) |
 | Co-operation of Electrical Power Companies in Education at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of VSB-Technical University of Ostrava with the Prospects for the 21st Century Zdenek Hradilek, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | Cooperative Research Networks in Engineering-A New Format of Interaction with Industry Fernando Rizzo 1, Joel Weisz2, Waldimir Pirro e Longo3, 1PUC-Rio de Janeiro, 2FINEP, Rio de Janeiro , 3Universidade Federal Fluminense,Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) |
 | Creating a New Learning Tool for Mechanics of Materials Students Timothy A. Philpot, Univ of Missouri - Rolla (USA) |
 | Curricular and Pedagogical Changes in the Engineering Courses: Support to Freshmen Marcos Azevedo da Silveira1, J. A. R Parise1, T. S Costa2, L. C Scavarda-do-Carmo1, R. C. Campos1, M. A. V de Araujo1, 1PUC-Rio de Janeiro, 2Potifical Catholic Univ. (Brazil) |
 | Curriculum Innovation and Integration in Electronic Materials Processing and Engineering Jane P. Chang Chang, UCLA (USA) |
 | Curriculum Innovation: Professional Responsibility Steven P. Nichols , Ted Aanstoos, Christy Moore, Univ. of Texas at Austin (USA) |
 | Curriculum Reform for Business-Management Programs at ¡§Lucian Blaga¡¨ University of Sibiu, Romania Dan Maniu Duse1, Charles Franz2, 1Lucian Blaga" Univ. of Sibiu (Romania), 2Univ. of Missouri- Columbia (USA) |
 | Design and Implementation of a Software Package for Network Education I-Peng Lin, Ming-Syan Chen, Jason Chang, Cheng-Ming Chao, Mintz Hsieh, Chi-Chun Lin, Chang-Jung Kao, Wei-Guang Teng, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Design of an Effective, Web-Based, Global Learning Environment Using the Keller Plan Robert Davis, Kenneth Ragsdell, Univ. of Missouri-Rolla (USA) |
 | Design of Biotechnology Education in Chemical Engineering Discipline Jo-Shu Chang, Yun-Peng Chao, C. Perry Chou, Feng Chia Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Year Long Engineering School Acclimation Model for Enhancing Student Diversity Tony L. Mitchell, Alisa Hunt-Lowery, Laura J. Bottomley, Mary Clare Robbins, North Carolina State Univ. (USA) |
 | Designing an English Reading Web-based Instruction in Engineering Education Shu-chin Yen , Kao Yuan Institute of Technology (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Developing a Virtual Disaster Information Management and Analysis System in Internet for Chi-Chi Earthquake S.M. Wang, C.H. Loh, T.H. Huang, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Developing Electronic Portfolio for Assessment Based Analysis for ABET EC 2000 Billy Wood, The Univ. of Texas at Austin (USA) |
 | Developing New Technologies in Final Term Projects: an Industrial Approach Reinaldo A.C. Bianchi, Alessando La Neve, FEI (Brazil) |
 | Development of a Learner-Focused Engineering Subject Jafar Madadnia, Homa Koosha, UTS (Australia) |
 | Development of a New Engineering Education Scheme in Brazil Claudio da Rocha Brito, Melany Ciampi, Univ. Center of Lusiada (Brazil) |
 | Development of a Video-Stream Lecture Series for Remote Learing Jack Lohmann, Gunter Sharp, Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) |
 | Development of Distance Learning in Croatia Karmela Aleksic-Maslac, Branko Jeren, Univ. of Zagreb (Croatia) |
 | Difficulties and Possibilities in the Design of First-Year Design Course in Architectural Schools Yu-Cheng Wu, Min-Fu Hsu, National Cheng-Kung Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Digital Educational Knowledge Assets (DEKA)-An NJIT and Industry Sponsored R&D Project Paul G. Ranky, One-Jang Jeng, Herli Surjanhata, NJIT (USA) |
 | Disaster-Prevention Education in Taiwan Jong-Tsun Huang, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Distance Assessment System for Accreditation of Competencies and Skills Acquired Through in-Company Placements. Juan-Miguel Martinez-Rubio1, Carlos Dominguez-Montagud1, Angel Perles-Ivars1, Jose Albaladejo1, Houcine Hassan2, 1Univ. Politecnica de Valencia, 2 (Spain) |
 | Doctoral Program-How to Make It More Attractive Jaromir Pistora, Michal Lesnak, Ondrej Barta, Tomas Kreml, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | Earthquake Engineering Education Activities Using the Center Approach G.C. Lee 1, Andrea S Dargush2, 1SUNY at Buffalo, 2 State University of New York at Buffalo (USA) |
 | EDEC-A Study of the Role of Educational Technology in the Design of Electronic Engineering Degree Courses. Peter Hicks1, Nick Coleman2, Erik Dagless3, John Lidgey4, 1UMIST, 2Univ. of Newcastle , 3Univ. of Bristol , 4Oxford Brookes Univ. (UK) |
 | Education Enhancement of Communication Engineering in Taiwan,ROC Man-Chi Lan1, Chen-Cheng Chang1, Chung-Ju Chang2, Wen-Tseng Chen3, 1Ministry of Education, 2National Chiao Tung University , 3National Tsing Hwa University (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Education Method by Master-Apprentice Institution in Engineering Hong-Yih Cheng, Da Yeh Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Effective and Efficient Distance Learning over the Internet: Implementation of an Online DSP Course David V. Anderson, Thomas P. Barnwell, Monson H. Hayes, Joel R. Jackson, Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) |
 | Effective and Efficient Distance Learning over the Internet: Tools and Techniques Joel Jackson, David Anderson, Monson Hayes, Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) |
 | Engineering Distance Learning: Development of Course Contents Ana M B Pavani , Adelaide L S Lukowiecki, PUC-Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) |
 | Engineering Education and the Internet: A Project for Global Access to Quality Education J. C. Olabe1, M. A. Olabe2, J. Mouzna3, 1Christian Brothers Univ., 2Univ. Basque Country , 3Ecole Superieure d'Ingenieurs en Genie Electrique (USA) |
 | Engineering Education by Distance Learning Robin Smith, UMIST (UK) |
 | Engineering Education in the 21st Century Chang-Lin Tien, () |
 | Engineering Education Utilizing Collaborative Learning Enno "Ed" Koehn, Lamar Univ. (USA) |
 | Engineering Ethics Teaching Program at CYCU Hsin Rau, Tau-Wei Feng, Jyh-tong Teng, Timon Chih-Ting Du, Gang-sheng Lin, Samuel H.S. Wang, Chung Yuan Christian Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Engineering General Education Program at CYCU Jyh-Tong Teng, Chung Yuan Christian Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Engineering or Technology: Which Path to Take? Vojislav Ilic, Univ. of Western Sydney Nepean (Australia) |
 | Engineering Program Accreditation- ABET Engineering Criteria 2000 Kurt C.K. Lo, California Polytechnic State Univ. (USA) |
 | Engineering Team Project (ETP) as an Inter-Disciplinary Subject for Undergraduate Students Mustafar Bin Sudin1, K. A. Zainal Abidin1, Z. Man1, M.Faizairi Mohd Nor1, A-Rashid A-Aziz2, Fadzil M. H. Ahmad3, 1Univ. Teknologi Petronas, 2 , 3 (Malaysia) |
 | Estimation, System Identification and Chemometrics Rolf Ergon, David Di Ruscio, Kim Esbensen, Svein Thore Hagen, Telemark Univ. (Norway) |
 | Experiences in Distance Education for Life-Long Learners William Aden1, Joseph G. Tront2, 1Draper Aden & Associates, 2Virginia Tech. (USA) |
 | Experiences in Using Internet Based Learning Environment in Paper Industry Timo Rainio1, Sami Rautiainen2, Reijo Tuokko3, 1Tampere Technology Centre, 2Metsa Insititute Silva , 3Tampere Univ. of Technology (Finland) |
 | Facilitating Learning of Engineering Graphics Instead of Learning CAD System. A. Majdi Abd. Rani, Azmi Abd. Wahab , Rahmat Shaarani , Abd. Rashid Abd. Aziz , Univ. Teknologi Petronas (Malaysia) |
 | First Engineering Games at UnicenP Mauricio Dziedzic, Marcos Tozzi, Dinis Tragheeta, Julio Gomes, Claudio Kruge, UnicenP (Brazil) |
 | From Synchronous Distance Learning to VOD System: The Perspective for Private Universities Yo-Ping Huang, Min-Yuan Hsiao, Gwo-Way Chiang, Huei-Ling Peng, Da-Yeh Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Functions of Distance Learning System: VIEW Classroom A. Hatanaka, A. Okada, M. Yuriyama, H. Tarumi, Yahiko Kambayashi, Kyoto Univ. (Japan) |
 | Hands-on Laboratory Exercises in Biotechnology/ Bioprocess Engineering Dhinakar S. Kompala, Univ. of Colorado (USA) |
 | Hands-on Learing: Two Approaches to Enhance the Undergraduate SMET Curriculum Lueny Morell, Jorge I. Velez, Ramon Vasquez, Rosa Buxeda, Univ. of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (USA) |
 | Hermeneutics and Engineering Education Liane Ludwig Loder, Federal Univ. of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS (Brazil) |
 | Ideas to Make Engineering Education More Efficient James T. Han, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USA) |
 | Implementation of a Web-Based Directory and Data Repository for International Education and Research Cooperation Radim Farana1, Trond Clausen2, Peter Hicks3, John Mead4, Luis M. Sanchez Ruiz5, Luiz Scavarda6, Victor Schutz7, Che-Ho Wei8, Max Yen4, Win Aung9, 1VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic), 2Telemark Univ. (Norway) , 3UMIST (UK) , 4Southern Illinois Univ.-Carbondale (USA) , 5Univ. Politecnica de Valencia (Spain) , 6Univ. Sao Feancisco (Brazil) , 7 IEEE Education Society (USA) , 8National Chiao Tung Univ. , 9NSF (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Implementation of the ECTS System in Polish Technical Universities on the Example of the Technical University of Czestochowa Maria Nowicka-Skowron, Janusz Szopa, Technical Univ. of Czestochowa (Poland) |
 | Improve the Quality of Chemical Engineers' Education Pin-Chan Du, Kao-Yuan Institute of Technology (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Improving Engineering Education-The Development of CAI Software of Hydrology Education Youn-Jan Lin, Su-ching Lin, Yin-long Huang, Ming Hsin Institute of Technology (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Improving Project Making in Engineering Education by Innovative Designing Teaching Methods Jeh-Lou Meng, Yi-wen Ho, Oriental Institute of Technology (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Improving Quality Assurance Co-Operation with European Union Universities Lenka Landryova, Radim Farana, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | Improving Undergraduate Engineering Education in USA and abroad using EC2000 Rafiq Noorani, Mel Mendelson, Loyola Marymount Univ. (USA) |
 | Incorporating Large-Scale Projects into a Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Embedded Systems Diane T. Rover, Betty Cheng, Chin-Long Wey, Matt W. Mutka, Michigan State Univ. (USA) |
 | Independent-Study Module for Electrical-Enginnering Students at National University of Singapore D.S.H. Chan, S.P. Yeo, S.H. Ong, National Univ. of Singapore (Singapore) |
 | Industry Collaboration as a Solution for Greater Acceptance by the Job Market: The Experience from Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UNITAR), Malaysia Halabi Hasbullah1, Zainuddin Hassan2, Abas Said1, 1Univ. Teknologi Petronas, 2Univ. Tun Abdul Razak (Malaysia) |
 | Industry Participation in a Capstone Design Course Sanjeev Kumar, Southern Illinois Univ. - Carbondale (USA) |
 | Industry-Supported Team Students' Projects Vladimir Glozman, Cal Poly State Univ. (USA) |
 | Innovations Based on Interaction between Students, Industry and Academia: Case Studies from PBL and Learning Laboratories Saba Mylvaganam, Inger Hedvig Matveyev, Morten Pedersen, Telemark Univ. (Norway) |
 | Innovations in Freshman Mechanical Engineering Curriculum at NJIT Kwabena A. Narh, Herli Surjanhata, NJIT (USA) |
 | Institutionalizing Curricular Change: The SUCCEED Experience Catherine E. Brawner1, Carl F. Zorowski2, 1Research Triangle Educational Consultants, 2North Carolina State Univ. (USA) |
 | Integrated Computer-Aided Instruction for Separation Technology in Pollution Prevention and Control C. S. Fang, Univ. of Louisiana at Lafayette (USA) |
 | Integrated Project System and Supervised Industrial Placement ¡V Essential Cores of the Cores of the Civil Engineering Education Stanislaw Majewski1, Roger Mayo2, Andrzej Mokrosz3, Marcin Gorski4, 1Silesian Univ. of Technology, 2 , 3 , 4 (Poland) |
 | Integrating Best Practice Pedagogy with Computer-Aided Modeling and Simulation to Improve Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Education Kuyen Li, Carl L. Yaws, Daniel H. Chen, John L. Gossage, T. C. Ho, David Cocke, Lamar Univ. (USA) |
 | Intelligent Curriculum Designer-Practical Implementation of Curricula for Engineering Courses Mario Neto Borges1, Michel Lewis2, 1Funrei - Federal Univ. of Sao Joao Del Rei, 2Univ. of Huddersfield (Brazil) |
 | Intelligent Systems on Motorola's Microcontroller: A Team Design Workshop Marian S. Stachowicz , Christopher R. Carroll, Univ. of Minnesota (USA) |
 | Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Manufacturing Engineering Education Sheng-Jen "Tony" Hsieh1, Patricia Yee Hsieh2, 1Texas A&M Univ., 2MATCOM (USA) |
 | Interactive Tutorial for Training Physics Students in Their First Year at University Ana Vidaurre, Marcos H. Gimenez, Jaime Riera, Univ. Politecnica de Valencia (Spain) |
 | Key Elementa in Effective E-Learing-Examples in Engineering Education Haniph Latchman1, Vaclav Havlicek2, 1Univ. of Florida, 2 (USA) |
 | Laboratory Facilities for Visualization of Groundwater Flow Shao-Hua Marko Hsu1, Chuen-Fa Ni1, Pi-Fang Hung2, 1Feng Chia Univ., 2 (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Language Learning/Teaching through Information Technology Monika Koslova, VOEB-TUO (Czech Republic) |
 | Lessons to be Learned after Industry/Univeristy Cooperation on Undergraduate Project Work Trond Clausen, Telemark College (Norway) |
 | Leveraging the Web for Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Distance Learning Scott Midkiff, Luiz DaSilva, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ. (USA) |
 | Major Trends in Higher Technological Education from Developing Countries Doru Viorel Ciucescu1, Ion C. Ionita2, Cdd. Eduard Petre Ciuescu2, 1Univ. Of Bacau, 2Dunarea de Jos Univ. (Romania) |
 | Making Social Sciences Relevant to Engineering Students: The Greenfield Coalition Experience Dylan Dizon, Lawrence Technological Univ. (USA) |
 | Measurements in the Force of Robot Grippers Pinheiro Beck, Joao Carlos, PUCRS (Brazil) |
 | Measuring the Intellectual Development of Engineering Students Using Intelligent Assessment Software Barbara M. Olds, Ronald L. Miller, Michael J. Pavelich, Colorado School of Mines (USA) |
 | Meeting the Educational Needs of Emerging Technologies Alongside Traditional Disciplines Melvyn Dodridge, Univ. of Derby (UK) |
 | Modern Physics in Egineering Carrers Carlos E. Troncoso, Ricardo Chrobak, UN Comahue (Argentina) |
 | Monster Chips and Multimedia: Impact on Engineering Design and Education Sally Wood, Santa Clara Univ. (USA) |
 | Multi-level, Interactive Web-Based Simulations to Teach Fluid Mechanics at Middle School to College Levels Hiroshi Higuchi , Syracuse Univ. (Japan) |
 | Multimedia as a Teaching Tool for Multiple Intelligences Pi-Chi Chen, Tsung-Han Chang, I-Shou Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Multi-Media Based Laboratory Modules in Particle Technology for the Undergraduate Core Laboratory Curriculum Rajesh Dave1, Chao Zhu1, Robert Pfeffer1, Karl Jacob2, 1NJIT, 2The Dow Chemical Company (USA) |
 | Multimedia-Based Chip Design Education Tamer Catalkaya, Ulrich Golze,, Tech. Univ. of Braunschweig (Germany) |
 | Multinational Engineering Formation and Certification Luiz Carlos Scavarda-do-Carmo1, Marcos Azevedo da Silveira1, Paolo De Santis2, 1PUC-Rio de Janeiro, 2Univ. di Roma III (Brazil) |
 | Multi-Project Chip Service for Universities and Industries in Taiwan Jen-Sheng Hwang1, Wen Zen Shen2, 1National Science Council, 2National Chiao Tung Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Museum of Industrial Technology and Engineering Education at Nippon Institute of Technology Akira Suzuki, Kiyoyasu Ohkawa, Nippon Institute of Technology (Japan) |
 | New Concepts in Engineering Education to Meet Modern Technological and Ecnomic Challenges-Case Studies from Wollongong and Staffordshire Universities MNS Hadi1, NI Aziz1, A. S. Atkins2, 1Univ. of Wollongong, 2Staffordshire Univ. (Australia) |
 | New Teaching Technologies in Learning Foreign Languages Julia Sobol, Zaporizhzhia State Technical Univ. (Ukraine) |
 | North Carolina State University Center for Minority Engineer Development Tony L. Mitchell, Sarah A. Rajala, Laura J. Bottomley, Mary Clare Robbins, North Carolina State Univ. (USA) |
 | North Carolina State University Summer Transition Program-A High School to College Bridge Program for Enhancing Undergraduate Engineering Education Tony L. Mitchell, Alisa Hunt-Lowery, Sarah A. Rajala, North Carolina State Univ. (USA) |
 | Nuclear Engineering Education in the New Era Farhang Sefidvash, Federal Univ. of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS (Brazil) |
 | Object-Oriented Web-Based Courses Development through XML Shyi-Shiou Wu, Sin-Min Tsai, Bo-Chin Yang, Shya-Shiow Sun, National Taiwan Univ. of Science and Technology (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | On Efficacy of Power Engineering Education Pavel Noskievic, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | On Emulation of Multimedia Teaching Material Projects Min-Hsang Yu, Wei-Chung Wang, Tze-Chiang Foundation of Science and Technology (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | On prospects of Studying Mining and Mining Geology at VSB-Technical University of Ostrava Vitezslav Zamarskyz, Miroslav Palas, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | Partnership as Important Part of Engineering Education Zdenek Toman, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | Partnership with Aerospace Institution and Biotechnology Research in Microgravity Gather Engineering Students in Multidisciplinary Project Adriana Lucarini, Alessandro La Neve, Renato Giacomini, FEI (Brazil) |
 | Personal Information Assistant for Personalized Web-based Education Junliang Chen, Yutao Zhong, Nanjing Univ. (China) |
 | Pipeline Education at Engineering Schools: What Is Needed? Henry Liu, Univ. of Missouri-Columbia (USA) |
 | Planning of a Mulit-Disciplinary Rapid Product Realization Program Ming C. Leu, Frank Liou, Daniel A. McAdams, Venkat Allada, Bahador Ghahramani, Sanjeev Agarwal, Richad H. Hall, Univ. of Missouri-Rolla (USA) |
 | Post Graduate Studies for Top Managers in Heavy Industry: Five Years' Experience Jerzy Barglik, Remigiusz Sosnowski, Silesian Univ. of Technology (Poland) |
 | Practice-Based Course in Instrumentation and Measurement for Working People Marc Himbert, CNAM (France) |
 | Preparation for Global Engineering Practice in the Twenty-First Century John Zeugner, Lance Schachterle, Edward A. Parrish, Yi Hua Ma, William W. Durgin, Paul Davis, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (USA) |
 | Preparing Engineering Students to Meet the Ecological Challenges through Sustainable Product Design Venkat Allada, Univ. of Missouri-Rolla (USA) |
 | Problems Connected With the Utilisation of Mineral Resources in Advanced and Developing Countries. Their Impacts on the Teaching Process at VSB-Technical University of Ostrava ( Czech Republic) Miroslav Palas, Vitezslav Zamarsky, Karel Zacek, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | Program Outcome Assessment Issues and ABET EC 2000 Accreditation David Y. S. Lou, Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln (USA) |
 | Project Based Learning in Engineering Education at Tromsoe College Arne Gjengedal, Tromsoe College (Norway) |
 | Project Work Using Mathematical MacTutor Peter Kortesi, Univ. of Miskolc (Hungary) |
 | Protection of Natural Environment as a Fundamental Element of Modern Engineer's Education Wladyslaw Jodlowski , Boleslaw Karwat, Janusz Kowal , Bogdan Sapinski, The Univ. of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow (Poland) |
 | Prototyping an Autonomous Guided Vehicle in Undergraduate Mechanical Design Jhy-Cherng Tsai, Guo-Jen Wang, National Chung-Hsing Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Publishing for Engineering Education in a Global Dimension Michael Wald, Dublin Institute of Technology (Ireland) |
 | Putting Learners First: An Integrated Multimedia Environment for Language Learning David Wible1, Chin-Hwa Kuo1, Nai-Lung Tsao1, Anne Liu1, Li-Chun Sung2, Chia-Lin Chio2, 1Tamkang Univ., 2Tamkang University (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Putting Tele-Pedagogy into Practical Use: How, Why and When-Will It Affect the Administration and Organisation of Education and Educational Institutions? Eirik Lindberg, Telemark College (Norway) |
 | Questions of the Quantity and the Quality in Engineering Education Janos Barsony, Univ. of Pecs (Hungary) |
 | Recent Trends and Possibilities of International Integration of Engineering Education at Technical Universities in Slovak Republtic Viliam Bauer, Technical Univ. Kosice (Slovakia (Slovak Republic)) |
 | Recipients View of Science and Engineering University Education in Japan The Results of a Joint Industry-University Study Yokichi Itoh1, Nobuko Hosogaya2, 1Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd., 2Sophia Univ. (Japan) |
 | Reducing Cultural Boundaries: Initiatives in Quality Assurance, Curricular Reform and Test Adaptation John H. Yopp, Catherine R. Brown, Educational Testing Service (USA) |
 | Reflections on the Need to Rethink the Education of the Engineer Saul K. Fenster, (USA) |
 | Research & Technology Development and the Exercise of Ethics Ary Marques Jones, Brazilian National Academy of Engineering-ANE (Brazil) |
 | RF/Microwave and Lightwave Engineering Laboratory Edip Niver, NJIT (USA) |
 | Role of Technical University in Coordination of Education and Scientific Processes in Region Sergei Belikov1, V. Boguslayev2, 1 Rector Zaporizhzhia State Technical Univ., 2Zaporizhzhia State Technical Univ. (Ukraine) |
 | Role of Technical University in the Development of Innovation Process Daniel Kaminsky, Vitezslav Zamarskyz, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | Satellite Technology, the Winner for Interactive Distance Learning Applications Keh-Ming Lu1, David Chung2, 1Hughes Network Systems, 2ONE TOUCH Systems (USA) |
 | School Based Administration Model for Virtual Learning Community on Internet Juang Yih-Ruey, Li Shun-Fu, Chan Tak-Wai, Huang Sing-Tsang, National Central Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Science, Technology and Society in Engineering Education Walter Antonio Bazzo1, Maria Perpetuo Socorro Mol Palmieri2, 1Univ. Federal de Santa Catarina, 2 Federal Univ. of Ouro Preto (Brazil) |
 | Secondary and Post-Secondary Partnering-Enhancing the Pre-Engineering Curriculum Ronald Rockland, Dennis Siginer, Joel Bloom, NJIT (USA) |
 | Self-image and Expectations of First Year Engineering Students in a Brazilian University Reinaldo Calixto Campos, Patricia Grinberg, Ivan Garcia, Jose Alberto Parise, Marcos Azevedo da Silveira, Ney Dumont, PUC-Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) |
 | Self-Learning Interactive Website Mining Engineering Education for Australian Environment Najdat I Najdat I Aziz, Stuart Chambers, Ernest Baafi, Richard Caladine, Univ. of Wollongong (Australia) |
 | Sharing Course Contents-A Case Study Renata Cardoso, Ana Pavani, PUC-Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) |
 | Social-Oriented Disciplines: Essential Part of the Heat Engineering Students Education Sergey Safyants, George Konstantynov, Donetsk State Technical Univ. (Ukraine) |
 | Some Obseravtions on Recent Development of Aerospace Engineering Education in Taiwan Jiun-Jih Miau, National Cheng Kung Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Space-Sugar Coating for the Mechanics Pill Devdas Pai, Richard Layton, Sameer Hamoush, Samuel Owusu-Ofori, Shih-Liang Wang, North Carolina A&T State Univ. (USA) |
 | Strategic Planning of Engineering Educational Programs in Ministry of Education, Taiwan Jennie Y. J. Wu, Ministry of Education (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Strategy of Feecs at the Process of Opening to World on the Threshold of 21st Century Radim Bris, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | Student and Employer Expectation Jerzy Swiatek, Wroclaw Univ. of Technology (Poland) |
 | Student-Developed Single-Concept Learning Modules Charles R. Bauer, Matthew J. Bauer, Illinois Institute of Technology (USA) |
 | Students Industrial Internship Programme at
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia A. M Shariff, M. I. Abdul Mutalib, M.H Ahmad Fadzil, Univ. Teknologi Petronas (Malaysia) |
 | Survey of PBL in the Norwegian Engineering Education: Brief History and Status Quo from a Selected Number of Educational Institutions Saba Mylvaganam1, Haima Mylvaganam2, Rolf Palmgren3, Joern Archer3, Gunnvald Hella4, 1Telemark College, 2University of Bergen , 3Telemark University College , 4Bergen University College (Norway) |
 | Surveying Students and Alumni for Evaluation of a B.S. Program in Mechanical Engineering R.W. Mayne, A.K. Patra, R.C. Wetherhold, K.E. Lewis, W.J. Rae, SUNY at Buffalo (USA) |
 | System-on-Chip Design Methodology in Engineering Education William D. Mensch, Jr1, Dennis A. Silage2, 1The Western Design Center, Inc., 2Temple University (USA) |
 | Systems and Automation Education through Web-Based Labs Barry M. Lunt, Richard G. Helps, Perry Carter, Edward Red, Brigham Young Univ. (USA) |
 | Teaching Client-Server Application Development through Open-Source Software Witawas Srisa-An, Chia-Tien Dan Lo, J. Morris Chang, Illinois Institute of Technology (USA) |
 | Teaching Design to First-Year Engineering Students M Che-Ismail, Azman Zainuddin, A Rashid, A Aziz, Ahmad Fadzil M H, Univ. Teknologi Petronas (Malaysia) |
 | Teaching Experiences in Unix System Programming Chia-Tien Dan Lo, Srisa-an Witawas, J. Morris Chang, Illinois Institute of Technology (USA) |
 | Teaching Information Systems for Mechanical Engineers Radim Farana Radim, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | Technical University as a Centre for Sustainability in Transitional Economies Alexander Minayev, Vadim Prisedsky, Donetsk State Technical Univ. (Ukraine) |
 | Technology Literacy Enhancement for PreCollege Students David T. Shaw1, Thomas Liao2, Michael Hacker2, 1SUNY at Buffalo, 2SUNY at Stony Brook (USA) |
 | Telepresence-Virtual Labortory Experiences Using Real-Time Control and Interative Simulations over the Internet Haniph Latchman, Univ. of Florida (USA) |
 | Ten Years of Experience in University-Industry Co-operative Education and Research in Power Engineering Tomas Huner1, Pavel Santarius2, 1Northern-Moravian Power Company, 2Technical Univ. of Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | Terminal-Served Interactive Distance Learning Laboratories: Augmenting Engineering Courses Delivered via the Web C. Greg Jensen , E. Max Raisor, Brigham Young Univ. (USA) |
 | The Act of Learning, a Cerebral or a Psychical Phenomenon? Paulo R.G. Franco 1, Paulo A.V. Ribas2, Jorge F. Silva Filho 2, 1PUC do Rio Grande do Sul, 2PUC-Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) |
 | The Design of New Curricular Program with Multi-disciplinary Integration-Biomedical Engineering Education in Feng Chia University Chunag-Chien Chiu, Shyan-Lung Lin, Shen-Ming Lee, Feng Chia Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | The Design of the Higher Education in the Vocational Education System in Taiwan Dau-Chung Wang1, Wen-Shung Chang2, 1National Yunlin Univ. of Science and Technology, 2 (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | The Development and Implementation of the Technological Creativity Course: An Interdisciplinary Approach Pei-Fen Pei-Fen Chang, Shu-San Hsiau, Tse-Liang Yeh, Jiunn-Chi Wu, National Central Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | The Development of Low-Cost Ground Simulator for Aircraft Flight Testing and Performance Evaluation Fei-Bin Hsiao1, Ming-Hao Yang1, Yung-Ren Lin1, Shan-Chih Hsieh2, Mark N. Glauser3, Dan Dullea3, Luciano Castillo4, William Hayes4, 1National Cheng Kung Univ., 2National Kaohsiung Institute of Technology , 3Clarkson Univ. , 4Rensselaer Polytechnic Univ., Troy (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | The Development of a National Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology Education Digital Library: Lessons Learned from Needs Brandon Muramatsu, Univ. of California at Berkeley (USA) |
 | The Development of an Institute-Wide Graduate Personal Skills Training Programme that Integrates Centrally Provided Core Skills Training with the Requirements of Individual Academic Departments, Research Councils and Professional Bodies K. Barber, J. Boran, P. Brunn, UMIST (UK) |
 | The Development Strategy of Engineering Education System in the Digital Age Chieh-Yu Lin, Hsiaoping Yeh, Chang Jung Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | The Dynamic Engineering Education of SENAC - School of Engineering and Technology Claudio da Rocha Brito, Melany Ciampi, Ricardo Molina, SENAC School of Engineering and Technology (Brazil) |
 | The European Materials Science Education Database and Czech Supply Jiri Kliber1, Tasilo Prnka2, 1VSB-TU Ostrava, 2Tastech Slavicin (Czech Republic) |
 | The Expected Profile of the Next Century Brazian Electrical Engineer Sinval Zaidan Gama1, Marcos Azevedo da Silveira2, Reinaldo Castro Souza2, 1Companhia de Eletricidade de Rondonia, 2PUC- do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) |
 | The Formation of Emtrepreneur Engineer Fabio Elias Araujo, Alvaro Guilhermo Rojas Lezana, Federal Univ. of Santa Catarina (Brazil) |
 | The Improvement and Upgrade of Conventional Industries through University-Industry Collaboration Hsueh-Hwa Chang , Wei-Chung Wang , Tze-Chiang Foundation of Science and Technology (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | The Improvement of Technology Education for Mechanical Engineering-Practicing of Pre-University Make-Something-Education Guang-Jer Lai1, Ming-Guo Her1, Der-Huei Shiu2, Long-Gyi Yeh3, Chin-Hsiang Cheng4, Ging-Gee Dai5, Chih-Fu Wu6, Chuan-Gen Liu7, 1Tatung Univ., 2Taoyuan, Taiwan , 3Make-Something Education Association , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | The Influence of Present Unempolyment on Engineering Courses Eduardo Bauzer Medeiros1, Eliana Ferreira Rodrigues2, Henor Arthur de Souza2, 1Univ. Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG, 2Univ. Federal de Ouro Preto -UFOP (Brazil) |
 | The Instructional Software Development Center (ISDC)
at the University of Missouri-Roll Robert L. Davis, Ralph E. Flori, David B. Oglesby, Timothy A. Philpot, Univ. of Missouri - Rolla (USA) |
 | The Introduction of Electronic Business Curricula into Engineering Education System Hsiaoping Yeh, Chieh-Yu Lin, Chang Jung Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | The Media as a Complement of Engineering Teaching Alberto Shiga, Carlos Pegollo, Sao Judas Tadeu Univ. (Brazil) |
 | The Models of Engineering Education. Wojciech Zielinski, Silesian Univ. of Technology (Poland) |
 | The National Courses Examination in Brazil-Some Considerations and a Study of the Performance of a Civil Engineering Course Jose Adelino Kruger, Carlan Seiler Zulian, Oscar Herberto Fürstenberger, Roberto Frederico Merhy, Ponta Grossa Univ. (UEPG) (Brazil) |
 | The New National Policy of Research and Development (R&D) in the Czech Republic and Expectations of Institutions of Engineering Education Cermak Tomas Èe, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | The Possibilities and Type of the Collaboration Universities and Praxis and in the Europe Juchelkova Dagmar, Hlavackova Milada, Horyl Petr, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | The Present Forms of Mining Education at VSB-Technical University of Ostrava and Their Expected Development Jiri Grygarek, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | The Reformation of EE and CE Curricula in Taiwan Hsiao-Chuan Wang1, Shian-Shyong Tseng2, 1National Tsing Hua Univ., 2National Chiao Tung Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | The Results of Curricula Innovation of Faculty of Metallurgy and Material Engineering of VSB-Technical University of Ostrava Jaroslav Kalousek, Jana Dobrovska, Hana Kulveitova, L'udovit Dobrovsky, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | The Re-use of Social Resource to Improve Engineering-Education Facilities Shyng-Her Lin, Southern Taiwan Univ. of Technology (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | The Role of Corporate Partnerships in Today's Engineering Education Len Polizzotto, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (USA) |
 | The Role of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator in Electrical Engineering Education Timothy Chang1, Daphne Chang2, 1NJIT, 2Bloomfield College (USA) |
 | The Role of University Library on Modern Engineering Education Sheng-Jii Hsieh, Szu-Chia Lo, National Cheng Kung Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | The Study Program in the Education of Mining Engineering ¡V Mechanical Engineering Jaromir Polak, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | The Study Program in the Education of Mining Engineers-Electrical Engineering Vladimir Strakos, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | The Sustainable Development and Energy Engineering Education Pavel Kolat, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | The Teaching of Engineering as a Service Activity: The Necessity of Performance in New Ranks of Academic Quality Ana Teresa1 Colenci, Alfredo Colenci Jr, Renato Vairo Belhot, USP - Engenharia de Producao (Brazil) |
 | The Technical Skills of Plant Management Required by Junior College Graduates at the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Taiwan Ming-Ta Wu, National I-Lan Institute of Technology (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | The Training of Electrical Engineers in Work Safety Management Janusz K. Grabara, Eugeniusz Sitek, Technical Univ. of Czestochowa (Poland) |
 | The Use of the Hipertexts and Hipermidia for the Teaching in Civil Construction Learning. Carlos Luciano S. Sant'Ana Vargas1, Vania Ulbricth2, Alvaro Guillermo Lezana2, 1State Univ. of Ponta Grossa, 2Federal Univ. of Santa Catarina (Brazil) |
 | The Use of Virtual Reality in Virtual Learning Environment Fabio Goncalves Teixeira , Regio Pierre da Silva , Tania Luisa K. da Silva , UFRGS (Brazil) |
 | The Web-Based Learning Environment for Creative Design Course Shu-San Hsiau, Jiunn-Chi Wu, Tse-Liang Yeh, Shyi-Jeng Tsai, National Central Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Training in Solar Photovoltaic Energy at the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia Salvador Segui Chilet1, Francisco J. Gimeno Sales1, Fernando Ibanez Escobar1, Carlos Sanchez Diaz1, Miguel Alcaniz Fillol1, Salvador Ano Villalba2, Juan Angel Saiz Jimenez2, Jose Vicente Catala Villar2, David Rodriguez Lopez2, Pilar Molina Palomares2, 1Univ. Politecnica de Valencia, 2Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain) |
 | Trends in Engineering Education at the University of Pardubice Miroslav Ludwig, Jiri Malek, Univ. of Pardubice (Czech Republic) |
 | Trends in Higher Education Today Which Impact Engineering Education John S. Jackson, () |
 | Trends of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Design for Integrated Circuit ( IC) Industry Yu-Charn Chen, San Francisco State Univ. (USA) |
 | Undergraduate Engineering Course Evaluated by Students-Truth or Mith? A Brazilian Experience Maria Eugenia Mosconi de Gouvea, Denise Maria Soares Gerscovich, Nival Nunes de Almeida, Pedro Colmar G. da Silva Vellasco, Eduardo dos Santos Pimenta, Ana Tereza Spindola Bento de Faria, Jose Guilherme Santos da Silva, State Univ. of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) |
 | Understanding the Collaborative Engineering Design Process in a Global Environment: Observations of Japanese and American Approaches Stephen A. Raper1, Shuichi Fukuda2, 1Univ. of Missouri-Rolla, 2Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology (USA) |
 | University and Industry Education/Research Collaboration on Electrostatic Discharge in Microelectronics Devices Juin J. Liou1, Gregg Croft2, 1Univ. of Central Florida, 2Intersil Corporation (USA) |
 | University Contests with Industry Support as Enablers in Multidisciplinary Engineering Education Andreas Wild, Motorola (USA) |
 | University Quality Assesment in Spain: A (double) Bid of an Engineering School at Polytechnic University of Valencia Enrique Ballester, Luis M. Sanchez-Ruiz, Univ. Politecnica de Valencia (Spain) |
 | University-Industry Joint Programs: Engineering Design Education Steven P. Nichols, Univ. of Texas at Austin (USA) |
 | Usage of a Computer Conferencing System by on-and off-Campus Engineering Students Stuart Palmer, Deakin Univ. (Australia) |
 | Using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Package as a Tool in Teaching an Undergraduate Fluid Mechanics Course A-Rashid A-Aziz1, R. Shazi2, 1Univ. Teknologi Petronas, 2 (Malaysia) |
 | Using Technology to Increase Learning and Decrease Costs in a Computer Fluency Course Deborah Walters, Debra Burhans, Helene Kershner, Carl Alphonce, SUNY at Buffalo (USA) |
 | Utilization of the Physical Models of Industrial Aggregates for Improvement in University Education Quality Lubomir Smutny, VSB-TU Ostrava (Czech Republic) |
 | Web Based Collaboration for Introductory Programming Courses Egert Christopher, Mary Flanagan, Deborah Walters, SUNY at Buffalo (USA) |
 | Web Based Laboratory Manuals in Civil Engineering James N. Craddock, Lizette R. Chevalier, Southern Illinois Univ. - Carbondale (USA) |
 | Web-Aided Teaching in Materials Science and Engineering L.J. Chen, National Tsing Hua Univ. (Taiwan, ROC) |
 | Web-Based Distance Experiments: Design and Implementation Timothy Chang, Douslas Hung, NJIT (USA) |
 | Why so Many People Repeat in Engineering Colleges? Paulo Franco , Paulo Ribas, Jorge Silva Filho , PUC-Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) |
 | Work Group: the Strategy to Improve the Pedagogical Performance of Engineering Teachers Maria do Perpetuo Socorro Socorro Mol Palmiere1, Walter Antonio Bazzo2, 1Univ. Federal de Ouro Preto, 2Univ. Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil) |
 | Yearlong Client-Based Team-Oriented Senior Design Projects: The Rose-Hulman Approach Barry John Farbrother1, Daniel J. Moore2, 1Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, 2Rose Hulman Institute of Technolog (USA) |