NOVEMBER 29, 2000

Dear ICEE 2001 Steering Committee

We are "on march", announces the "Subject" line above. Yesterday the Organizing Committee (OC) made the following decisions/recommendations:

1. Conference Format

<http://www-pors.hit.no/tf/icee01/prgm.htm> is an embryonic version of the final program matrix. In the present form, of course, it isn't linked to the webpage. As you may see, the OC believe the Preconference could take place in Oslo Friday/Saturday. Sunday could be free time with the Opening Ceremony ending the day. Monday-Wednesday are for the Conference, while the Postconference could contain some Technical Sessions, eventually a Technical Tour to Bergen on Thursday/Friday.

Please note that all details are tentative at this moment. However, we will highly appreciate your eventual suggestions!

The OC realize that the international community may react differently with respect to the proposed format. Thus, it is now believed that participants should be given the opportunity to register for EITHER the full Conference including the Technical Tour OR just the Monday to Wednesday Conference.

The Preconference is not mentioned since this will concern mostly specially involved groups of people.

2. Keynote Speakers

The OC approved these keynote speakers: IEEE Vice President Lyle D. Feisel, Siemens Director Kruno Hernaut, Oslo University College Prorector Ole Kr. Lagesen, NSF Director Louie Martin-Vega and UNESCO Director-General Koichiro Matsuura. In addition, a speaker from the Norwegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs may be invited.

As this list may be prolonged, the OC is open for your own suggestions - just send me an email.

3. Panels & Workshops

The OC approved these workshops:

  1. USA-Korea-Taiwan trilateral workshop on future cooperation in education and research
  2. USA-Poland-Czech Republic trilateral workshop on future cooperation in education and research
  3. USA-Scandinavia bilateral workshop on future cooperation in education and research
  4. Workshop on distant learning/Virtual Reality where the "distant partner" resides in San Diego, California
  5. Workshop on distant learning sponsored by the RELAX group at the Norwegian University for Technology and Science (NTNU)
  6. African Workshop
  7. International workshop on producing a platform for future education in Nano-Engineering
  8. Tentative workshop on a UNISPAR (UNiversity-Industry-Science-PARtnership) issue


  1. Credit transfer
  2. African panel

And once more: The OC is open for more suggestions; just send me an email.

As you may have noticed, the Abstract Submission Site is now open and about 11 abstracts have poured in by now. Program Chair Dan Budny (University of Pittsburgh) will be assisted by Bob Herrick (Purdue University) and Larry Richards (University of Virginia). Radim Farana (University of Ostrava) will continue his work in documenting and linking ICEE 2001 to other ICEEs in his unique way.

My best wishes and regards for everyone,

Trond Clausen
Icee-2001 General Chair

Trond Clausen, http://www-pors.hit.no/~trondc/
Hogskolen i Telemark, 3914 Porsgrunn, Norway;
(Telemark University College)
phone (47) 35 57 51 67, fax (47) 35 57 52 50
home-phone: (47) 35 52 03 86

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