



NSF Announces New Program to Support Extended-Stay International Research and Education Visits by Early-Career Researchers 


March 23, 2006


The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), based in Arlington, Virginia, U.S.A., has announced a new program to support international travel by young researchers for medium-duration visits to foreign research and education institutions.   


This new funding opportunity is being implemented by the programs in the NSF Directorate for Engineering, to provide supplemental funding to current awardees to support international travel by early-career researchers in the United States to enable them to gain international research experience and perspective, and to enable closer research interaction between U.S. institutions and their foreign counterparts.   


Early-career researchers are defined here as undergraduates and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and early-career faculty members.  The National Science Foundation (NSF), through the Divisions in the Directorate for Engineering and the Office of International Science and Engineering, announces the International Research and Education in Engineering (IREE) initiative.  NSF will entertain proposals for supplemental funding for existing awardees aimed at providing early-career researchers in engineering with international experience in research and education.  With a view towards enhancing and broadening engineering research and education activities in current engineering awards through closer linkages between awardees and their foreign counterparts, IREE will support visits by U.S. early-career researchers to collaborating institutions and laboratories outside of the United States.  The visits must be related to the objectives of ongoing work in current projects, augmented by evidence of engagement with the cultural activities in the countries visited.  The duration of each visit must be between 3 – 6 months.


Supplement requests are due by 5 p.m. submitter’s local time on June 8, 2006. 


Eligible applicants are limited to current awardees of all of the programs in the Divisions of the Directorate for Engineering, including:



To be eligible, the expiration dates, including no-cost extension of current awards, must fall on or after September 1, 2007.  The maximum funding duration is one (1) year.


Full details on allowable costs along with instructions for proposal preparation are contained in the attached “Dear Colleague Letter” which has been posted on the NSF website at: http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=nsf06026.


The IREE Working Group that is responsible for developing and managing this initiative is comprised of the following individuals:


Win Aung, Division of Engineering Education and Centers, Directorate for Engineering.

Gary Gabriele, Division of Engineering Education and Centers, Directorate for Engineering.

Jeanne Hudson, Office of International Science and Engineering.

Marshall Lih, Division of Bioengineering and Environmental Systems, Directorate for Engineering.

Eduardo A. Misawa, Division of Civil and Mechanical Systems, Directorate for Engineering.

Mary Lynn Realff, Division of Design and Manufacturing Innovations, Directorate for Engineering.

Judy Raper, Division of Chemical and Transport Systems, Directorate for Engineering.

Kevin Tomsovic, Division of Electrical and Communications Systems, Directorate for Engineering.




On May 20, 2006 Prof. Lueny Morell, Director, University Relations Latin America, HP Labs, Hewlett Packard Company, wrote:


Dear Win,


Hans Hoyer, the newly appointed Director of International Programs for ASEE, has asked me to inquire if ineer would be willing to send a note to its distribution list concerning the Global Colloquium on Engineering Education to be held in Rio next October. I think this is a great opportunity to collaborate with ASEE and to enhance our mutual missions and activities on behalf of engineering education and research. Please let me know your thoughts. I am copying Hans and Wayne.


Receive my best,




A multilingual brochure about the 2006 ASEE Global Engineering Education Colloquium has been posted at:






On May 31, the following letter was received from Prof. E.B. Tsoy, Vice Rector, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia:

Dear Colleagues,

It  is  with a great pleasure that we would like to invite you to take part in two important scientific events that will be organized by NSTU from  17  to  24  September (Information and Telecommunication Systems 2006)  and  from  26  to  28 September (ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ELECTRONICS INSTRUMENT  ENGINEERING).  You  are  welcome  to  take  part  in  both of them.

Please find  in  the  attached  files the detailed information about these  scientific events. Feel free to contact the responsible persons mentioned in the attached information letters or me directly.

Important! Please note, that the dead line for ITCS-2006 was extended till 09 of June 2006. So, do not hesitate to register for this International school.

I  apologize  if  this information does not represent any interest for you.  We  would  be very grateful if you could forward this invitation letter to the concerned person(s) or colleagues.


Sincerely yours,


Evgeny B. Tsoy, Professor

Vice-rector for International Relations



Information about the two conferences is available at:


