----- Original Message -----
From: iNEER
To: ineerlist
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 5:55 PM
Subject: Items from iNEER Secretariat 5-19-04
TO: Members,
iNEER Community
FROM: iNEER Secretariat
Win Aung, Ph.D., P.E., Dr.h.c., Secretary-General
(1) U.S. NSF Announces New Funding Availability for
Engineering Research Centers
Program Title:
Research Centers (ERC)
Partnerships in Transforming Research, Education and Technology
of Intent Due Date(s) (required):
September 10, 2004
Proposal Due Date(s) (required):
November 08, 2004
Proposal Deadline(s) (due by 5 p.m. proposer's local time):
June 16, 2005
By Invitation Only
of Program:
Research Centers (ERC) focus on the definition, fundamental understanding,
development, and validation of the technologies needed to realize a
well-defined class of engineered systems with the potential to spawn whole new
industries or radically transform the product lines, processing technologies,
or service delivery methodologies of current industries. ERC faculty, students
and industry partners integrate discovery and learning in an interdisciplinary
environment that reflects the complexities and realities of real-world
technology. This environment adds an integrative dimension that is enabled by
the critical size of ERCs. ERC innovations in research and education are
expected to impact curricula at all levels from precollege to life-long
learning and to be disseminated to and beyond academic and industry partners.
ERCs fulfill NSF's strategic goal to increase the diversity of the scientific
and engineering workforce by including all members of society regardless of
race, ethnicity, or gender in all aspects of the centers' activities.
Because ERCs play critical roles in academe by integrating research, education,
diversity, outreach, and industrial collaboration, NSF views ERCs as change
agents for academic engineering programs and the engineering community at
large. The absence of a compelling strategy for achieving demonstrable impact
in any one of these areas is sufficient reason to deny funding.
For full announcement, visit:
For details about existing ERCs, visit: http://www.erc-assoc.org/erc_links.htm
FWD: International Foundation for Science Announces Funding Availability for
Developing Countries Researchers
The International Foundation for Science (IFS) provides support to young
researchers in developing countries by awarding research grants and providing
grantees with additional services such as travel grants and purchasing
Proposals for research projects may address biological, chemical, or physical
processes as well as social and economic relationships important in the
conservation, production and renewable utilisation of the biological resource
base. Research on topics such as water and biodiversity are also eligible for
support. Applicants should explain the relevance of their proposed research in
relation to environmental and socio-economic conditions in the country/region.
Research grants are awarded up to a maximum value of USD 12,000 for a period of
one to three years and may be renewed twice. They are intended for the purchase
of equipment, expendable supplies, and literature, and to arrange field
activities. Applicants must be citizens of, and carry out the research in, a
developing country. They should also be affiliated with a university or
national research institution in a developing country. Applicants should be at
the beginning of their research career, have a minimum academic degree of an
MSc/MA or the equivalent, and preferably be younger than 40 (under 30 for
applicants from China).
Applications are made on a standard IFS application form, in English or French,
which is available from the IFS Secretariat or can be downloaded from the
website (www.ifs.se).
(3) iCEER-2004 Program is announced
For details, see first 3 items
under the link: http://www.ineer.org/Events/iCEER2004VSBinfo/Welcome.htm
(4) Update on ICEE-2004, October 16-21, 2004,
Gainesville, Florida, USA
343 abstracts have been
received from 43 countries. See:
If you have submitted an
abstract, please proceed with paper submission in accordance with instructions
given to you.
The website for conference
registration is now open. Please register at:
(5) Deadline for submission of articles to the 2005
iNEER Special Volume is July 15, 2004.
We welcome you to submit your
papers for the 2005 iNEER Special Volume. Papers submitted for iCEER-2004 and
ICEE-2004 are eligible, but the guidelines for iNEER Special Volume must be
followed. Please consult the
guidelines at: http://www.ineer.org/iNEERPapers/GUIDELINES-2005.htm