----- Original Message -----

From: iNEER

To: ineerlist

Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 7:57 PM

Subject: Items from iNEER Secretariat 5-3-04


TO:         Members, iNEER Community

FROM:   iNEER Secretariat, ineer@ineer.org

                Win Aung, Ph.D., P.E., Dr.h.c., Secretary-General




(1)                 From time to time, we have been writing with information about iNEER - its people, its organization and its programs. Much of that information is posted on the iNEER website. If you have questions or suggestions, please just drop us a note. We welcome your suggestions in working with us to foster mutual progress in engineering education through international cooperation.


Now, it is my pleasure to say a few words about the current Chair of the iNEER Board, Professor Tomas Cermak, who is also Rector of VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, and the host of iCEER-2004 that will convene in June, 2004 in Bouzhov Castle, Czech Republic. A great fan of ice hockey, including the Washington Capitals, from whom you have heard from time to time recently or have met at a recent iNEER conference or workshop, he was elected as Rector of VSB – Technical University of Ostrava in November 2002. He first came to VSB in 1964 as a senior assistant, rising to become Head of the Department of Electrical Machines and Drives at VSB in 1985. In 1990 he became Rector, which position he held until 1997.  In 1997, he was appointed to be Vice Rector for R&D and Foreign Affairs. His service record includes membership of the Scientific Board of VSB and of the State Committee for Scientific Degrees. He chairs the Engineering Division of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic. He was a past member of the Scientific Board of the Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic; the Czech Engineering Academy; Vice President of Czech Universities Council; and General Assembly of Czech Academy of Science. An early believer of the value of international cooperation in engineering education and research, he has been actively involved with the organization of ICEE since ICEE-1997. He is a member of the International Steering Committees of ICEE and iCEER. The Chairman of the Board of Vesuvius (formerly Hinckley) Slavia Group, he is also Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of OZOBEL and Vitkovice Steel Company, respectively. He teaches courses in control of electrical drives and machines; and power energy systems, among others.  He has written 9 textbooks, edited 1 book, and published 50 papers in journals and conference proceedings, with another 35 research papers based on industrial collaboration.  He holds 4 patents. He is a co-editor of the 2004 iNEER Special Volume: Innovations 2004 – World Innovations in Engineering Education and Research.


If you attend iCEER-2004 in June, please say “hello” to him.


(2)                 Now, I join Prof. Cermak to announce the solicitation for papers for for the 2005 iNEER Special Volume. We invite you to submit your articles. Guidelines along with information on past special volume have been posted on the iNEER website:  http://www.ineer.org/iNEERPapers/Welcome.htm


(3)                 We also invite you to recommend session/workshop topics that you would like to include at iCEER-2005 (March 1-5, 2005, Tainan, Taiwan). You may suggest new topics, or repeats of topics for past conferences. To see Calls for Papers for past conferences, go to http://www.ineer.org and click on the links for: iCEER-2004, ICEE-2003, and ICEE-2002. For format, copy and paste any one of the Calls for Papers into a MS-Word document and make the necessary changes and send it to me at: ineer@ineer.org. Your suggestions will be forwarded to the iCEER-2005 Organizing Committee and you will be contacted. Since we plan to review all suggestions at the committee meeting in June, please let us hear from you by May 20, 2004.


(4)                 We are pleased to invite you to participate as a member of the iNEER delegation to a unique event in engineering education: the SSTU-iNEER Engineering Education Partnership Workshop. The Workshop that will be held in Saratov, Russia under the joint auspices of Saratov State Technicial University (SSTU) and iNEER. Our host will be Prof. Yury Chebotarevsky, Rector of SSTU, one of the top-ranked universities in the Russian Federation. The dates are September 16-19, 2004.


Membership on the iNEER delegation is by invitation and only a limited number of openings are available on a first come first served basis. Members of the delegation pay their own travel, lodging, and local expenses.


A nation with a history of excellence in engineering education and research, the Russian Federation is undergoing dramatic transformation. In keeping with recent developments around the world, Russian universities are upgrading their programs and there is an increasing interest in accreditation. The SSTU-iNEER workshop will give us a unique opportunity to meet face to face with influential representatives from several education institutions in Russia, to review recent progress and explore areas of common interests for future interaction. NOTE: For a sense of the amazing transformation going on in Russia, consider a recent light-reading article in the Washington Post newspaper published under the title: "For Russian Women, A Whiff of the Good Life," accessible free of charge for the next few days via the link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A51478-2004Apr28.html


Professor Chebotarevsky has provided a list of possible Russian institutions that will meet with the iNEER delegation, and the list is appended to the end of this e-mail.


If you are interested, please reply to this e-mail by May 7, 2004. I apologize in advance if the slots in the iNEER delegation are filled and we cannot accommodate your request.   


List of possible Russian institutions participating in the SSTU-iNEER Engineering Education Partnership Workshop:


Ministry of Higher Education RF, International Department
Uljanovsk State Technical University
Samara State Technical University
Volgograd State Architechture Academy
Volgograd State Technical University
Astrakhan State Technical University

Samara Airspace University

Orel State Technical University

Taganrog State Radiotechnical University

Kazan Technical University

Voronezh State University of Civil Engineering and Architechture

Donskoy State Technical University

Institute of Technology of Penza State University

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University

Altai State Technical University

                and others.