Dear Colleagues:
Listed below for information is an updated list of current funding opportunities for international activities by U.S. National Science Foundation. To obtain more details please click on the link provided under each topic.
With best wishes,
Win Aung, Ph.D., P.E., Dr.h.c.
iNEER Secretariat
Materials World Network: Cooperative Activity in Materials Research
between US Investigators and their Counterparts Abroad (MWN):
(b) Developing Global
Scientists and Engineers:
(c) International Research and
Education: Planning Visits and Workshops:
(d) International Research
Fellowship Program (IRFP):
(e) East Asia and Pacific
Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students
(f) Pan-American Advanced
Studies Institutes Program (PASI):
About iNEER: A global networking, professional organization formed by the world engineering community to promote mutual progress in teaching and learning through international cooperation, iNEER seeks to develop international partnership and linkages through information sharing and networking. The widening iNEER network of educators and researchers include educators and researchers in 98 countries, and is linked through the iNEER website, archival publications, electronic communication system and various conferences, workshops, and retreats. Membership in the network is free to all educators and researchers. For more information, visit: or write to: iNEER Secretariat, Preston King Station, PO Box 5229, Arlington, VA 22205, USA.