ICEE 2001 Author Index
This file contains a listing of all conference authors
whose last name begins with the letter M. The list
is arranged alphabetically by the author's last name.
Click on the title of the paper to see the paper.
Click on the additional authors to see their Author Index entries.
Macdonald, Ian
MacDonald, Penny
Macho-Stadler, Erica
Malmborg, Charles
Malvig, Kjell E.
Mander, Keith
Marchese, Anthony
Marchman, James F.
Matthes, Raymond A.
Matthew, Bob
Matushansky, Grigory
Maury, Claude
McAllister, Gerry
McClellan, James H.
McHenry, Albert L.
McHenry, George
McManis, Kenneth
McPhail, Alan
Mead, John S.
Mei, Yau-Fang
Meldal, Sigurd
Melezinek, Adolf
Melo, Francis E. de
Mendelson, Mel
Meng, Jeh-Lou
Mescher, Ann M.
Miau, Jiun-Jih
Middleton, June C.R.
Middleton, Walter
Miller, Alan R.
Miller, Tom
Mills, James I.
Minaev, Alexander A.
Minamino, Takanori
Mironovová, Emília
Mitchell, Tony L.
Mochizuki, Tatsuya
Molina, Ricardo C.
Moraño Fernández, José Antonio
Morell, Lueny
Morell de Ramirez, Lueny
Morton, Brenda A.
Moscinski, Jerzy
Moson, Peter
Moss, William F.
Mrowiec-Bialon, Julita
Muchin, Sergei
Munukutla, Lakshmi V.
Muramatsu, Brandon
Muratore, Diane M.
Mwinyiwiwa, B. M. M.