` ICEE 2001 Author Index
ICEE 2001 Author Index

This file contains a listing of all conference authors whose last name begins with the letter P. The list is arranged alphabetically by the author's last name. Click on the title of the paper to see the paper. Click on the additional authors to see their Author Index entries.

Page, Edward W.
Page, Gary J.
Pajak, Lucjan
Paladini, Edson Pacheco
Palmer, Stan
Palusinski, Olgierd A.
Papadourakis, George
Parrish, Edward Alton
Patten, John A.
Patton, Bruce
Pavani, Ana M B
Pawlowski, Diane
Pellegrino-Neto, Januário
Pereira, Aline Barranco
Perna, Angelo J.
Perry, David
Perry, Jo Ellen
Peterson, Lena
Petkovic, Darko
Petrosky, Joseph
Pferdehirt, Wayne P.
Phillips, Howard
Phillips, Win
Pimentel, Ulisses
Pinent, Carlos
Pinheiro Beck, Joăo Carlos
Plonka, Francis E.
Pochopien, Boleslaw
Polak, Jaromir
Polla, Dennis L.
Potter, Charles Stuart
Predebon, William W.
Prejean, Andrea I.
Price, Charles
Prikhodko, Mikhail Vyacheslavovich